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Men's Circle

Men hugging eachother

We are here to meet you wherever you are.

June 2025 Men's Work Intensive banner

Starting June 2025

Greetings beautiful people,
I am so grateful to introduce you to this new upcoming healing journey dedicated to Men.

The main goal of this program is to provide a support structure for men, to reframe a new concept of brotherhood and courage grounded in our ability to truthfully show up while honouring the realm of our feelings from which sometime our most concealed insecurities and unresolved pasts stem from.

More specifically this program will bring a profound sense of care towards the dissonance of unresolved memories (intergenerational and from early stages of life) that often ripples throughout our present adult life circumstances, relationships, behaviours and habits, as also in our physical state of health.

In total we will have 12 gatherings from the 17th of June to the 20th of September.

We will alternate in between in presence workshops that will last about 3 hours and evening online gatherings of an hour and a half.

A deep intensive experience in a container built upon foundational qualities like
accountability &

This will create the overall space from which deep transformation and healing can take place, so to open ourselves to long yearned vibrant relationships with the self and the life to which we are deeply interrelated with.

Men's Circle laying on hands
Marco Tesi Men's Circle facilitation

Foundational to the overall work of healing is the somatic emotional pillar

constructed upon practices that involve the conscious use of breathing techniques, movement, ancestral sounds, transformational voice work and whatever the moment within the container will suggest for greater sense of integration and embodiment.

We will sit in a sharing circle to practice the expression of our most authentic part of ourselves. We will practice presence through active listening for us to balance our sense of self. There is a particular magic in being able to access those places of our being in an environment of brotherhood that have the intention to minimise distances among Men and more comprehensively among Humans.

For this program you will also be provided with weekly educative contents to engage with daily routines, that will help you to integrate the important work we will do together.